Colorado State University Pronoun Statement

Colorado State University is committed to creating a culture and climate that respects and honors people of all identities.

Like our names, pronouns (i.e., zir, they, per, she, he) reflect how we want to be respected in our identities. This is especially important for those who are Transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming.

We often ascribe pronouns to individuals they may or may not use. Assuming identities based on observation or stereotype can result in unintended harm by using the wrong pronouns, misgendering, or potentially outing someone. Referring to someone by pronouns they use is one way to demonstrate respect for them as a person.

Respect is included in our Principles of Community. As such, we support and encourage those who choose to share their pronouns in professional and academic spaces, including wherever names are provided, such as meeting and classroom introductions, name badges, email signatures, and course syllabi. By creating space for people who choose to share their pronouns, we foster an inclusive culture that is welcoming for all.